steriSTAT® - Sterile Instruments You Can Trust
Too often, providers describe sterile instruments as inferior and of poor quality. That is not the case with our steriSTAT® line of sterile, surgical grade stainless steel instruments. These instruments have a solid feel, smooth operation, and consistent quality and patterns. Sterilized with gamma irradiation, they are ergonomically designed, reliable, and precise. Expertly forged, milled, tempered, and polished following high quality standards, these are instruments you can trust.
We carry a wide range of sterile, disposable instruments:
- English Anvil Splitter/Nipper
- Locke Elevator
- Spatula and Packer
- Needle Holder
- Nail Splitter
- Double Spring Nail Nippers
- Bone/Soft Tissue Nipper
- Nail Curettes (Single and Double)
- Scissors (Iris, Sharp/Blunt, Stitch, and Spencer Ligature)
- Scalpel Handle #3
- Taylor Percussion Hammer
- a Variety of Forceps (Adson, Alligator, Iris Tissue, Iris, Kelly, Magill, Mosquito, Paufique Suturing, and Tissue)
We also offer sterile Safe-Toe® burs, which have rounded bevels to prevent injuries to the skin and nail bed. For a limited time, we are also offering FREE SAMPLES of our sterile stainless steel podiatry burs.